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Board Type : GerberFile :
Layer : Dimensions :
PCB Qty :
Different PCB Design
PCB Thickness : PCB Color :
Surface Finish : Castellated Hole :
Copper Weight : 1 oz Production Time :
Total: US $
Elecrow community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.

PCB Assembly

PCBA Qty: BomFile:
NO. OF UNIQUE PARTS: NO. of Components:
Assembly Cost: US $
Elecrow community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.
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3dPrintingFile : Size :
Unit : Volumn :
3D Printing Qty : Material :
Total: US $12.99
Elecrow community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.
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Acrylic Type : AcrylicFile :
Dimensions: Engrave:
Acrylic Qty :
Acrylic Thickness:
Acrylic Color:
Total: US $12.99
Elecrow community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.

Lily lee

Published: May 08,2024

test acrylic project share

acrylic project

ccc ccc
Copyright Info

Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)

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Open Source Very Large Stick - Freejoy & MMjoy2 breakout board


A component for the Open Source - Very Large Stick microcontroller system.


This PCB allows you to easily breakout the required IO from either an Arduino Pro Micro or Bluepill STM32


This has been revised to version 1.4 which fixes a mistake on the TM MINI DIN pin orientation.


I've also added 13 more button IO pins that work with Freejoy (MMJOY2 can use them for a button matrix).


This way you can take a 3d printed B8 grip and wire directly to each button.

*ELECROW community is a shared platform and we are not responsible for any design issues.

Lily lee

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