DSO-500K Oscilloscope

DSO-500K Oscilloscope

Coin Cell Battery Emulator CR2016/CR2032

Coin Cell Battery Emulator CR2016/CR2032


Availability: In stock

Combine the FSCOPE-500K with a Raspberry Pi Pico or Pico W* and the Scoppy Android app* to create a 500kS/s oscilloscope.

Simply solder a Pico (or Pico W) to the board together with 0.1" header pins and the supplied trimmer capacitors and you have a 500kS/s oscilloscope.

Features and Specifications

  • Up to 500kS/s sample rate (250kS/s with both channels enabled)
  • Maximum analog bandwidth: 150kHz
  • Record length: 2048 samples per channel in RUN mode, 100kS total for single shot captures
  • Input Impedance: 1MΩ / 22pF
  • Maximum Input voltage range: +/- 6V (1X probes)
  • Coupling: AC/DC
  • Connectivity: USB, Wi-Fi*
  • Display Modes: YT, FFT, FFT+YT, X-Y, X-Y+YT
  • Trigger Types: Rising edge/falling edge
  • Trigger Modes: Auto/Normal (Run Mode + Single captures)
  • Cursors: YT and FFT horizontal and vertical cursors
  • On-screen measurements: Vmin, Vmax, Vpp, Frequency, Period, Duty
  • Snapshot measurements (screen or sample record): Mean, DC RMS, AC RMS
  • Export data format: CSV
  • Access to all pins of the Raspberry Pi Pico
  • Signals can be input via 0.1” header pins or BNC connectors*
  • Signal generator - square wave  up to 1.25MHz, sine wave - 1kHz
  • AC and DC coupling of the input signals
  • Indicator LEDs: Status, Wi-Fi and Trigger
  • FFT Window functions: Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangle
  • FFT Vertical units: dBm, dBmV, V
  • Logic Analyser: 25MS/s (requires soldering extra headers to the board - not supplied). No protocol decoding as yet.
  • See the Scoppy project on GitHub for the features of the Scoppy oscilloscope firmware and Android app

More Information

FSCOPE-500K assembly instructions

FSCOPE-500K opeating instructions

Scoppy Android app help

What You'll Need

  • An Android device that's running Android version 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher. The device must also support USB OTG (On-The-Go) - most modern phones/tablets do. If you are able to install the Scoppy app from the Play Store then (Google thinks) it does support USB OTG.
  • A compatible OTG cable/adapter (not supplied). Even if you are planning to use Wi-Fi, we recommend having a compatible OTG (On-The-Go) cable so you can access the firmware settings in the event you can't connect via Wi-Fi (eg. if your Wi-Fi password changes or the Wi-Fi settings in the firmware were entered incorrectly). The OTG adapter plugs into the USB port of your Android device.

Please Note

  • Raspberry Pi Pico (or Pico W), Android device, header pins, BNC connectors and scope probes are NOT included
  • Use of the second channel requires the premium version of the Scoppy Android app (approx US$2 in-app purchase)
  • Wi-Fi functionality is only available with a Raspberry Pi Pico W (ie. not a Pico)
  • Some assembly required
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