elecrow christmas sale

Elecrow's Enchanting Christmas Sale: A Celebration of Savings, Joy, and Innovation


In the enchanting glow of twinkling lights and the sweet melody of festive carols, Elecrow extends a warm welcome to you in this winter wonderland of savings and joy! Elecrow Christmas Sale is not only a shopping extravaganza, but a magical celebration of togetherness, generosity, and the joy of giving. Every click resonates with the jingle of sleigh bells, and every purchase is a carefully wrapped gift. Join us in this merry world where savings dance alongside snowflakes, and the spirit of the season radiates from every festive corner. From December 1st to December 31stthe Elecrow Christmas Sale is in full swing!


Unveiling the Christmas Sale at Elecrow

Saving this Christmas

Unlock up to $180 in coupons for PCB manufacturing, 3D printing, and acrylic laser cutting services. Enjoy $5 off for orders of $50 or more, $25 off for orders of $200 or more, and a generous $150 off for orders surpassing $1000. Embark on this journey with us from December 1st to elevate your Christmas with Elecrow.

But the festive fun doesn't end there! Explore discounts of up to 25% on a range of products, including STEM educational kits and displays, as well as products from Elecrow’s Partner Sellers. There's no time like the present to stock up on innovative tools and materials for your electronic projects.

Gifting this Christmas

From December 1st to December 31st, with every order you place, a special Xmas card will be included, adding a delightful touch of holiday cheer to your package. Additionally, to adorn your Christmas, Elecrow's engineers have crafted special designs including the Stellar PCB, Santa’s Acrylic, and the Evergreen Acrylic Tree. When your order total reaches $99, you'll discover one of these delightful items nestled in your parcel! 

And the festivities don't end there! In celebration of the upcoming new year, we've extended the gift-giving activities until January 10, 2024. That means, if you place your order anytime between December 1, 2023, and January 10, 2024, you'll still be eligible to receive these lovely gifts.

Designing this Christmas

Embrace the spirit of the season and let your imagination shine. Let the sparkles in your mind light up the holiday season by crafting your very own Christmas-themed PCB. Showcase your design on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, tagging the official @Elecrow official account. As a token of our appreciation, revel in the joy of receiving 10 pieces of your uniquely crafted creation, delivered straight to your doorstep - all at no cost!

Sharing this Christmas

Upon receiving the products you ordered from the Elecrow online store, seize the moment to enhance your Elecrow experience. Capture the excitement by taking photos or creating an unboxing video. Share these delightful moments on your social media platforms, and don't forget to @Elecrow official account. By doing so, you can earn up to $20 in Elecrow points!

Moreover, once you've completed your electronic projects using the products received from Elecrow, share the creative journey on the Elecrow Hackster Community. By showcasing your projects, you also stand a chance to earn up to $20 in Elecrow points. Your innovation deserves recognition, and Elecrow is here to reward your ingenuity!


Year-End Retrospect of Elecrow Partner Seller Program

The year 2023 marked the inception of the Elecrow Partner Seller Program, and its success is a testament to the continuous support and trust from makers worldwide. As we wrap up the year, let's hear reflections from our partner sellers who have played a crucial role in the program's development and prosperity.

elecrow best partner seller

How do You Become a Partner Seller of Elecrow

Kevin Santo Cappuccio - Architeuthis Flux (BEST Partner Seller 2023)

Kevin, the recipient of the 2023 Hackaday Prize for Jumperless, reflects on the inception of his collaboration with Elecrow. He recalls, “What drew me to Elecrow is that I happened to have one of your ESP32 3.5” TFT display modules in my drawer, so I just happened to have a physical sample of your work. And the quality was amazing, everything fit together perfectly and the parts were nice and well-aligned, so I knew I could trust you with assembly. Then when you mentioned you also have a partner seller program, it was a no-brainer. Why ship the finished boards to the US just for me to ship them somewhere else?”

Jumperless is a jumper-less breadboard with multicolored LED visualization of signals in real time. If you are interested in it, click here to see more details.


Radu Grecu - ZigStar (BEST Partner Seller 2023)

The designer of the popular ZigStar, Radu Grecu, shares the genesis of his original design: “My original design came up from the need to have a network attached Zigbee Coordinator in a remote location over Ethernet but in the same time to be open-source and easy reproduced by anybody.” Through research and networking within the industry, he decided to cooperate with us. Radu notes, “I was initially drawn to Elecrow due to their reputation for providing high-quality electronic components and their commitment to innovation in the technology sector. As I learned more about their Partner Seller Program, I recognized the potential for a mutually beneficial collaboration.”

Discover ZigStar


Jasper Sikken - Solar Harvesting Board

Jasper has a passion for sharing his innovative designs. The Solar Harvesting Board efficiently converts solar panel energy into SuperCapacitor charge, even functioning under indoor lighting conditions. Reflecting on his decision to become an Elecrow partner seller, Jasper emphasizes the significant advantages it brings to him. According to Jasper, “Elecrow not only manufactures the product, they also do functional tests, sell the products on their website, keep stock for me and ship directly from China to customers worldwide for a lower cost. This saves me time and money for my customers.”

Discover Solar Harvesting Board


Steph Piper - MakerQueenAU

Steph Piper, currently working on GlowStitch LEDs, emphasizes the importance of a manufacturing partner with expertise in educational products: “Having a manufacturing partner with experience in educational products in my area is great, especially when quality is a huge priority for my kits.”

Discover GlowStitch LEDs


Martina Derdić - Circuitmess

Martina Derdić, introduced to the Elecrow Partner Seller Program through industry recommendations, highlights the unique approach of Circuitmess products: “The key highlights of their products lie in our unique approach to education. Instead of focusing solely on hardware or software, our kits are tailored to provide makers with comprehensive knowledge and experience in both aspects."

Discover Circuitmess Products


Monika Kun - Soldered Electronics

Monika Kun shares the collaborative journey with Elecrow: “The sales manager of Elecrow reached out to us directly earlier this year, and we at Soldered Electronics, always eager for new distribution opportunities, were quick to embrace this collaboration.” There are two sizes of Soldered Inkplate sold at Elecrow. These open-source electronic devices use e-paper (e-ink) displays sourced from recycling companies, highlighting the commitment of Soldered Electronics to reducing e-waste and promoting a circular economy.

Discover Soldered Inkplate


Stay tuned for an upcoming, in-depth blog highlighting our BEST partner sellers, if you're intrigued by the Elecrow Partner Seller Program or eager to explore electronic projects from our partner sellers.


Final Words

As we conclude this festive celebration, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all customers, makers, partner sellers, and collaborators who have contributed to the success of Elecrow in 2023. May the coming days bring forth even more opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and technological excellence. Don't forget to check out our ongoing Christmas Sale to make your celebrations even brighter!